
CarnivALL followed a successful pilot project delivered in 2017 in Queen’s Crescent, an area in North London that is in England’s top ten percent of areas where Over-65s describe themselves as ‘lonely’, according to the Department of Communities and Local Government’s most recent Indices of Social Deprivation (2015).

The project, funded by Arts Council and Age UK, targeted the local older people mostly suffering from mental issues and physical disabilities as well as younger generations, who met weekly to make gigantic puppets and other craft works.

During six months participants took part in drumming, costume making and puppet making workshops in local care homes, sheltered housing, schools and community centres. The participants worked together to produce a stunning and exciting carnival parade which performed at the Alma Street Summer Festival, Primose Hill Summer Fair, Notting Hill Carnival and Hackney Carnival. We are now in our 6th year of CarnivALL project!


Brazil For All