CarnivALL in Lockdown!


Bringing people together during times of social distancing

CRISIS: Covid- 19 has wiped out opportunities for many older to socialize, be creative and express themselves alongside younger generations. In normal times, we bring local older people together with the community to make music, props/costumes and gigantic puppets for our annual carnival parade.

SOLUTION: We need to find new ways of being creative to keep the project ALIVE, such as making the framework for puppets or costumes so the participants (young and old!) can customise while exchanging ideas and documenting their progress through other forms of communication such as video messages, letters and so on. But there may be many other ways too…

 HOW YOU CAN HELP: If you are interested to join the lockdown CARNIVALL get in contact with us or go to our website for further information. 

 SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO: When the social distancing measures are over, we will all come together, some of us meeting in person for the first time having made connections through the project and created beautiful artwork, to parade and celebrate the power of creativity. 


Lockdown CarnivALL 2020.

A brilliant short film by Dominique Mireille documenting the making of a carnival parade by older people with the collaboration of younger generations during the pandemic in North London.


Cabaret of Memoirs Lockdown